Information minister: Terrorism and “moderate opposition” can’t be separated

Damascus, SANA, Minister of information Omran al-Zoubi reiterated that terrorism and “moderate opposition”, promoted by the US, can’t be separated since the countries talking about fighting terrorism are the ones which backed it in killing Syrians.
Interviewed by Syrian TV Wednesday, Minister al-Zoubi pointed out that opposition rhetorical positions are abroad-directed not to the Syrians, since it has no background (in Syria) but incitement to sedition for killing and blood shedding, adding .. the opposition has to be convinced that its language failed and its only exit-route is an open-minded dialogue.
“The opposition is setting conditions (for dialogue) that are not of its own, but rather of Erdogan, Hamad, Hollande and intelligence services” al-Zoubi pointed out, affirming that the Syrian government conducts dialogue with any side on the bases of Syria’s interests and nobody can dictate anything on the Syrian people.
The minister highlighted Syria’s role towards the crisis since its beginning, and said” What distinguishes Syria, as a state, since the beginning of the events, is that it addresses The Syrians … the leadership and the government have more courage, capabilities and cohesion, and that is one of its steadfastness secrets.
On Geneva talks, Minister al-Zoubi said “We went to Geneva under a wide title – For Syria’s sake- and this would not change, we will hold dialogue with all (sides)… we will fight whoever holds arms on Syria’s soil … we will work on rebuilding the state .. decrease our mistakes and we have enough courage to say this”.
Minister al-Zoubi ruled out any Syria’s participation in Arab League (AL) meeting, he said..”Syria is not interested in any Arab meeting unless it is invited on legal and political grounds, and as long as Syria’s membership is frozen in the AL and some Arab states have no relations with Syria”, adding that those states will have no role in any initiatives or talks and nobody can play any role (in Syria’s affairs) if it does not have full and complete relations with Syria, indicating that a number of Arab and foreign countries wants to contact with Syria.
The information minister said, over what has been circulated about forming a coalition of Arab and Islamic forces,” the Gulf states did not support Palestinian and Lebanese peoples when they were in need of their help, but rather colluded, historically, over Syria, Palestinian people and cause and the resistance in Lebanon”.
Minister al-Zoubi affirmed that Gulf States are involved in supporting terrorists financially and Jordan also implicated in training them and treating the injuries.
Jordanian regime must recognize that it no longer could live cheery life with terrorist organizations, al-Zoubi said, adding “Turkish government didn’t stop training and sending terrorists (to Syria), and the Turkish- American agreement on training the so called “fighters” disclosed Turkey’s role in crisis in Syria”.
Concerning the initiative proposed by UN Special Envoy on Syria, Staffan de Mistura, about freeze in fighting in Aleppo, al-Zoubi said.. The opposition tries to undermine the initiative by its refusal statements, adding that the Syrian state is open and clear in its readiness to listen to de Mistura’s ideas to reach a possible and real view that could set the basis of developing these efforts.
The Syrian leadership and President Bashar al-Assad’s decision is not to keep any part in Syria away from its sovereignty and authority including the Occupied Syrian Golan, al-Zoubi said.
Al-Zoubi added that Kurds are part of the Syrian people, asserting that talking on self management in the frame of the national borders of Syrian state must be discussed with the government according to its laws, systems and constitution.
He pointed out that Kurds face terrorism in Northern provinces as in Damascus countryside, Aleppo and other areas, asserting that Syrian leadership and army presented a lot to the Kurds in facing Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist organization.
Reem/ Barry

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