Journalist debunks OPCW’s latest attempts to whitewash cover-up of its investigation into alleged Douma incident

New York, SANA-American Journalist, Aaron Maté, said that the alleged chemical attack in Douma, Damascus countryside of 2018 has occurred to accuse the Syrian government of the incident.

“The apparent symptoms pf the victims won’t meet a mere drama with the effects of chlorine use,” Mate said on Friday at UNSC unofficial session.

Aaron Maté debunked the OPCW’s latest attempts to whitewash the cover-up of its investigation into the alleged April 2018 chemical attack in Douma, Syria.

 “Two experts of the OPCW, who have 30 years’ experience of work, were among the team who made the investigation into Douma accident that was sent to Syria,” Mate said, clarifying that they want to express their opinions, but the OPCW supressed, rejected to interview them and defamed them in front of public opinion.

“So long as the OPCW continues to suppress the science, the Douma victims will remain without justice.” He said.

Speaking to the United Nations Security Council, Aaron Maté of the Grayzone called out the OPCW’s ongoing cover-up of its investigation into the alleged April 2018 chemical attack in Douma, Syria.

Aaron also debunkd the latest efforts by the OPCW, in a new report put out by the watchdog’s Investigation and Identification Team (IIT), to whitewash the scandal.

Mazen Eyon

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