Army pushes forwards with military operations against terrorist organizations across the country

Provinces, SANA – The army on Monday continued to tighten its grip on the terrorists organizations through launching more wide-scale military operations across the country, inflicting heavy losses upon them.

Units of the armed forces killed and injured a number of terrorists, and destroyed a store of their ammunition and weaponry after targeting their gatherings in al-Waer in the central province of Homs and in al-Rastan in the countryside of the province.

A military source told SANA that army units targeted gatherings of terrorists in the surrounding of the Fairgrounds and the 7th Island in al-Waer, leaving large numbers of terrorists dead and wounded.

Terrorists’ infiltration attempt from al-Waer into al-Muhandesin roundabout was foiled, and scores of them were killed and wounded.

The source added that army units attacked gatherings of terrorists in the areas of al-Rastan, to the north of al-Zara village, in Unq al-Hawa and in Um Twaina in the eastern countryside where many terrorists were killed and injured and a store of their ammunition and weaponry was destroyed, in addition to destroying a number of their cars.

the armed forces carried out operations against dens and gatherings of terrorists in Damascus Countryside, killing and injuring scores of them, mostly are non-Syrians.

A military source told SANA that the army units destroyed a net of tunnels in of directions in Joubar, killing many terrorists, including Sultan al-Qurishi from Saudi Arabia and Abdullah Fathi from Egypt.

Other army units killed a number of terrorists in Ein Tarma and destroyed their weapons and ammunition.

Among the dead terrorists were al-Abadi al-Mansori from Tunisia and Bassam Banous from Libya.

The army units also eliminated 30 terrorists and injured scores others through targeting their dens in Jisreen nighborhood in Erbin town.

In the same context, the army units killed several terrorists in Masraba town to the south of Doma, including Nouman Ashour from Kuwait and Mit’ab al-
Misfer from Qatar.

Meanwhile, other army units hunted terrorists in the north eastern farms of Doma city, killing and injuring scores of terrorists in addition to
dismantling many mines and explosive devices.

The army units also stormed dens of terrorists in the farms of al-Qasmiyeh, al-Zamaniyeh, al-Bahariyeh and Jarba towns in the eastern Ghouta, inflicting heavy losses upon them.

In Daraya city, the army units clashed with terrorists in the area surrounding al-Sayyda Sukaina Shrine, killing many of them.

Army units target terrorists’ gatherings in Binnish, Kafer Roma, Qaminas, Hailoun, Kaferlata, Saraqeb, Korin in Idleb countryside, killing a number of them and injuring others.

A military source said units of the army and armed forces killed numbers of terrorists after targeting their gatherings and dens in Maarret al-Nou’man, Maarshourin and the road linking Has and Haish, also in  al-Nakir, al-Amoudiyeh, Khan Shaikhoun, al-Bashiriyeh, near Abu al-Duhour airport and Bannish in Idleb countryside.

Also in Idleb countryside, a military source said an army unit destroyed a den for terrorists at al-Nabi Ayyoub mountain in Jabal al-Zawiya in Idleb countryside, killing numbers of terrorists and wounding others.

Two Pickup cars, one of them loaded with up-to-date wiretapping devices and the second with a heavy machinegun, were also destroyed.

Army units kill a number of terrorists and wound others after targeting their gatherings in Ofana, Jibata al-Khashab , Tranjeh, al-Hamidiyeh, Um Batena, Mashara, Manshiyet Mashara in Quneitra countryside and to the west of al-Tiybeh town and to the north of Bait al-Jamal in Atman town in Daraa countryside.

Army units also targeted terrorists and their gatherings in Deir al-Adas, Jassem, Enkhel, Seda, and Oum al-Mayazin in Daraa countryside and on the road between Mas’hara and al-Tiha in Quneitra countryside, eliminating a number of terrorists and injuring others.

An army unit thwarted terrorists’ attempt to infiltrate the town of Atman in Daraa countryside, killing a number of terrorists including Ali Fares Kiwan and injuring others.

In Lattakia countryside, army units destroyed terrorists’ vehicles equipped with heavy machineguns and eliminated a large number of terrorists, some of them of Tunisian, Palestinian, and Lebanese nationalities.

An army unit destroyed a convoy of terrorists’ vehicles, some of which were equipped with heavy machineguns while others were loaded with weapons and ammo, in the village of Burj al-Hayat in Rabe’a area, in addition to eliminating a number of terrorists including Mahmoud Suman and Tunisians al-Bahi Masoud and Hamoud Dawableh.

The army also thwarted an attempt by terrorists to infiltrate the perimeter of Zahiya Mountain and al-Furuluq reserve, eliminating a number of terrorists and injuring others. Among the dead terrorists were Omar Jabouri, Mustafa al-Hiraki, and Taher al-Hasan.

Other units destroyed terrorist hideouts and concentrations in the villages of Dorin, Salma, and al-Duwairkeh, along with two vehicles, one equipped with a heavy machinegun and the other transporting weapons and ammo. A large number of terrorists were killed including Marwan Hammoud, Maher Hesso, Tunisian Munzer al-Marwani, Palestinian Rashid Ghassan, and Lebanese Munzer al-Turk.
A citizen killed by terrorist attack in Damascus

A citizen was killed by an explosive device attached to his car in Rukkn-Eddin neighborhood in Damascus.

A source at the Police Command told SANA that terrorists detonated an explosive device after attaching it to a citizen’s car in Tal’at Makkiyeh in Rukkn-Eddin neighborhood, claiming the life of the driver and causing large material damage to the car.

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