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Search Results for: israel

More wounded terrorists from Syria moved to Israeli hospitals

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA – Forces of the Israeli occupation transferred two wounded terrorists from Syria to Nahariya Hospital in Galilee in the north of the occupied Palestine over the past …

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Oct 14, Israeli forces commit Qibya massacre against 66 Palestinians

1907 – Agreement signed between Emperor Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and Emperor Meiji of Japan for ending the Russo-Japanese War. 1918 – Ottoman Empire declares its surrender in World …

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Oct. 8 , Syrian warplanes shoot down Israeli warplanes in Liberation War

1889- Montana territory  was admitted as the 41st state of the Unites States. 1901- Bloody clashes take place in Athens after translating the Bible into the popular Greek language. 1960- …

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Israeli hospitals receive four more terrorists over the past 24 hours

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA – Four more injured terrorists were transferred to hospitals in the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories over the past 24 hours. The Israeli Walla website reported that two of …

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More wounded terrorists from Syria moved to Israeli hospitals

The Occupied Jerusalem, SANA_ Injured terrorists and mercenaries fighting in Syria are welcome in Israel, where they are received and where they find the doors of Israeli hospitals wide open …

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Israel continues providing support to terrorist organizations in Syria

The Occupied Jerusalem, SANA  The Israeli occupation continued providing support to the armed terrorist organizations in Syria through admitting the injured terrorists to its hospitals and offering the necessary treatment …

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Sept 28, al-Aqsa intifada erupts after Israeli soldiers desecrated al-Aqsa Mosque

1911- Italy begins war against the Ottoman Empire to control the Libyan city of Tripoli. 1939- The beginning of the German attack against the Scandinavian countries in the framework of …

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Military source: In the framework of supporting terrorist organizations of the ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra and in an outrageous and clear violation of the Security Council’s resolution No. 2170, Israeli occupation attacks and shoots down a Syrian warplane

Military source: In the framework of supporting terrorist organizations of the ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra and in an outrageous and clear violation of the Security Council’s resolution No. 2170, Israeli …

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Syria: Israel still defies international community, making use of support offered by some UN member states

Geneva, SANA- Syria’s permanent envoy to the UN in Geneva, ambassador Hussam al-Din Ala said that the UN has persisted to call on Israel to end its occupation of the …

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Syria reiterates commitment to Agreement on Disengagement, demands ending the Israeli occupation of the Golan

Damascus, SANA – The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry sent two identical letters to the UN Secretary General and the Security Council Chairman on the stance of the Syrian government regarding …

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