QSD militia kidnaps several young men in al-Shaddadi, Hasaka countryside

Hasaka, SANA- US occupation-backed QSD militia has kidnapped a number of young men in al-Shaddadi area, Hasaka southern countryside to force them to fight in their ranks.

Local sources told SANA that gunmen affiliated with QSD militia raided several houses in al-Shaddadi neighborhoods after setting up barriers at the entrances and inside the city.

The sources added that they kidnapped a group of young men and took them at gunpoint to the militia’s training camps to force them fight in the militia’s ranks.

The daily raiding campaigns launched by QSD militia in the countryside of Raqqa, Hasaka and Deir Ezzor and the kidnapping of the young men coincide with the increasing attacks targeting it. These attacks caused the death of many of the militia’s gunmen on one hand and increased the anger among the locals due to its criminal acts as well the demand of expelling it along with the US occupation from the region on the other hand.

Rafah al-Allouni/ Hala Zain

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