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Photo Reports

February, 2016

  • 29 February

    Syrians’ preparations for People’s Assembly elections

    Provinces, SANA-The Syrians all over the country are preparing for the People’s Assembly elections through participating in local, social, cultural, sporting and other activities.

  • 23 February

    Rainfalls in different Syrian provinces on Feb. 22nd. – Photo report & video

    Damascus, SANA- Different amounts of rainfalls were registered in the Syrian provinces over the past 24 hours as follows: 40 mm in Hasaka, 25 mm in Sweida, 22 mm in Homs, …

  • 22 February

    The army restores security to many areas in Aleppo eastern countryside-Photo report

    Aleppo, SANA- The army restored stability and security to a number of villages, towns, farms and areas in the eastern countryside of Aleppo province , the last of which was Aleppo …

  • 20 February

    Army restores prominent and strategic areas in Lattakia northern countryside

    Lattakia, SANA – The Syrian Arab Army has made a great achievement regaining control over several strategic areas in the northern countryside of Lattakia despite the ruggedness terrain of the …

  • 17 February

    The army restores security to Masqan village in Aleppo northern countryside

  • 16 February

    Ara village in Lattakia countryside…A witness on crimes of the mercenaries of Saudi Arabia’s and Erdogan’s regimes

  • 14 February

    Syrian Red Crescent medical aid convoy enters Douma

  • 7 February

    Army units restore stability and security to Rityan town in the northern countryside of Aleppo

  • 2 February

    Azem Palace in Hama

  • 1 February

    The second batch of self-protection squads finishes training in Daraa province

    Daraa, SANA- The second batch of self-protection squads, which embraced 550 persons from Daraa and its countryside, on Monday finished training in Daraa as it will to assist the Syrian …