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Health Ministry: 6 new Coronavirus cases registered, 6 previous cases recovered

Damascus, SANA – The Health Ministry announced on Wednesday evening that 6 new cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) have been registered, and 6 of the previously registered cases have recovered. The …

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Turkish occupation mercenaries set fire to large areas of wheat and barley fields in Ras al-Ayn countryside

Hasaka, SANA – The Turkish occupation’s terrorist mercenaries continued their crimes and terrorist practices against citizens, setting fire to wheat and barley fields in villages in Ras al-Ayn area in …

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People’s Assembly approves decrees, commemorates 20th anniversary of the passing away of late President Hafez al-Assad

Damascus, SANA – People’s assembly approved the legislative decree no. /11/for 2020 that fixes the annual free scholarships allocated by each licensed education establishment under the provisions of the Legislative …

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Health Ministry: Non-adherence to precautionary measures will lead to re-imposition of tight measures

Damascus, SANA- The Health Ministry has affirmed raising the state of alert for addressing the outbreak of the novel coronavirus after registering 21 cases among people who have been in …

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Popular stand in Sweida in condemnation of US sanctions, coercive measures imposed on Syria

Sweida, SANA-  Sweida province on Wednesday has witnessed a national popular stand which was organized in front of the building of Sweida Governorate in rejection and condemnation of the US …

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Local Administration Minister: Work underway for return of al-Yarmouk Camp locals

Damascus, SANA – The People’s Assembly on Tuesday held its third session of its regular 13th round for the second legislative term chaired by its Speaker Hammoudeh Sabbagh. During the …

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Temperatures to drop gradually, skies clear in general

Damascus, SANA-Temperatures will continue to drop gradually, yet they will remain from 2 to 5 degrees above average in most areas and they will be near average in the coastal …

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Citizens of Quneitra and Golan: Terrorist war and economic blockade will not affect, but increase commitment to Homeland

Quneitra, SANA-Citizens of Quneitra and Golan affirmed that the years-long terrorist war launched by the US administration on Syria and the economic war on the livelihood of the Syrians under …

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Fires destroy 1,000 dunams of wheat fields in Ras al-Ayn in Hasaka

Hasaka, SANA – Fires that broke out in the agricultural fields in Ras al-Ayn region resulted in damage to about 1,000 dunams of wheat fields, and a number of citizens’ …

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More reinforcements and logistic equipment sent to US illegal bases in Syria

Hasaka, SANA- The US occupation forces continue to reinforce their military occupation of Syrian territory in a new and flagrant violation of international law and norms. 40 trucks, protected by …

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