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Fires caused by Israeli aggression on Lattakia commercial port extinguished

Lattakia, SANA- Lattakia Governor, Eng. Amer Ismail Hilal, has affirmed that the firefighting teams were able to control the fires that broke out in the container yard in Lattakia commercial …

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Rebuilding Syria entails effective role by Syrians abroad, Ambassador Haddad says

Moscow, SANA- Syria’s Ambassador in Moscow, Dr. Riyad Haddad has underline the importance of the role of the Syrians abroad in rebuilding their homeland, indicating that distances do not deter …

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Turkish occupation mercenaries excavate antiquities in Afrin, smuggle them to Turkey

Aleppo, SANA- The Turkish occupation mercenaries have continued their organized criminal practices against the Syrian heritage, as they began a new excavation process for antiquities under direct Turkish intelligence supervision …

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Israeli aggression targets container yard at Lattakia commercial port- video

Lattakia, SANA- The Israeli occupation entity has launched a missile aggression targeting the container yard at Lattakia commercial port. At about 03:21 a.m. on Tuesday, the Israeli enemy launched an …

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Processes of extinguishing fires caused by Israeli aggression on Lattakia Port

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A person killed in QSD-controlled al-Houl Camp

Hasaka, SANA- Within the state of chaos and insecurity inside the al-Houl refugee camp, which is controlled by the QSD militia with the support of the American occupation forces, east …

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Temperatures around average, skies partly cloudy

Damascus, SANA- Temperatures will remain around average as the country is affected by a superficial high pressure accompanied by southwestern air currents in the upper layers of the atmosphere. The …

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Information Ministry, Artists Syndicate mourn artist Mohammad al-Shammat

Damascus, SANA- The Ministry of Information and the Artists Syndicate mourned artist, Mohammad al-Shammat, who passed away yesterday evening at the age of eighty-five, during his treatment journey in the …

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A number of Palestinians injured, 13 others arrested in the West Bank

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- A number of Palestinians were injured on Tuesday by fire of the Israeli occupation forces during their storming of Tubas City in the West Bank. Wafa news …

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Unconstructive attitudes towards Syria must be reconsidered, Lavrentiev says

Moscow, SANA- Russian President’s Special Envoy for Syria, Alexander Lavrentiev demanded reconsidering the unconstructive attitudes towards Syria. “We call on the international community to reconsider the unconstructive attitudes towards Syria,” …

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