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Health Ministry: Recovery of 2 new cases of coronavirus to raise the number of recovered to 21 ones

Health Ministry: Recovery of 2 new cases of coronavirus to raise the number of recovered to 21 ones

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Government sets June 21st as date for basic and high schools’ exams in Syria

Damascus, SANA-The government team, tasked with taking the measures to confront the coronavirus, decided to set June 21st as a date to run the basic and secondary schools’ exams (baccalaureate) …

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Al-Jaafari: Syria calls for putting an end to the economic unilateral measures imposed on the country

New York, SANA- Syria’s permanent representative to the UN, Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari, said that Syria reaffirms calls for putting an unconditional end to the economic unilateral, coercive measures imposed on …

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Health Ministry: Recovery of 5 new cases of coronavirus registered in Syria

Damascus, SANA-Health Ministry announced on Monday the recovery of five new cases of the coronavirus registered in Syria to raise the number of recovered cases to 19. The Ministry added …

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Turkish occupation and mercenaries target Tal Tamir in Hasaka with shells

Hasaka, SANA-Turkish occupation and terrorists targeted houses of families and properties in the surroundings of Tal Tamir in Hasaka northern countryside with a number of shells. SANA reporter said that …

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Temperature to drop, rainfalls expected in most areas

Damascus, SANA-Temperatures are going to drop to become lower than their annual average between 2 to 5 degrees as the country is still affected by low pressure in the upper …

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Communist Party of Slovakia condemns western economic measures against Syria

Bratislava, SANA-leader of the Communist Party of Slovakia, Jozef Hrdlička, condemned the western unilateral economic measures imposed on Syria, affirming that they are illegitimate and have not been approved by any international organization. “Imposing such …

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First Religious Judge: Friday is the first day of Ramadan in Syria

Damascus, SANA-First Religious Judge in Damascus, Mahmoud Ma’arawi, announced that Friday is the first day of the holy month pf Ramadan in Syria. Judge Ma’arawi said in a statement that …

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First religious Judge in Damascus: Friday is the first day of holy month of Ramadan

First religious Judge in Damascus: Friday is the first day of holy month of Ramadan

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Al-Jaafari: Regaining the occupied Golan is a priority for Syria

New York, SANA-Syria’s permanent representative to the UN, Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari, reiterated that the occupied Golan is an integral part of the Syrian Arab Republic’s territories, adding that regaining Golan, …

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