Hassoun: Syrians’ unity embodied by standing in one rank in face of takfiri terrorism

Damascus, SANA _ Syria’s Grand Mufti Dr. Ahmad Bader Eddin Hassoun said that the Syrians triumphed over terrorism thanks to their unity and gathering around their army and their leadership.

Meeting an ecclesiastical delegation led by Ignatius Ephrem Joseph III Yonan, the Catholic Patriarch of Antioch and all the East of the Syriacs for the Syriac Catholic Church on Tuesday, Hassoun  added that the unity of the Syrians embodied by standing in one rank for confronting the takfiri terrorism backed by the US, Zionist enemy and some Western and regional countries .

He stressed that Syria was the cradle of the heavenly messages as its sons are adhered to their land and linked to their history and cultural heritage .

For his part, Patriarch Yunnan stressed that the Syrians are an example of the fraternity and through their unity, the bravery of their army and wisdom of their leadership, they have succeeded in defeating terrorism and takfiri thought.

He pointed out that the Syrians are committed to their land and national unity and they have the will to rebuild their country.


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