Russia identified individuals involved in staged chemical incident in Douma, has evidence of Britain’s involvement

Moscow, SANA – The Russian Defense Ministry announced that it has found individuals who participated in recording the video that was used as evidence of the alleged chemical attack in Douma in Eastern Ghouta, and that it has evidence proving Britain’s direct involvement in setting up this incident.

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said in a press conference on Friday that the video shot in a Douma hospital and submitted by the “White Helmets” as “evidence” of the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian forces on April 7th is fabricated, and people who took part in filming the supposed attack and appeared in the video admitted to this.

According to Konashenkov, the two people who had taken part in filming the video work at the emergency department in Douma’s hospital, and they said that all those who had been taken to hospital and depicted in the video as being victims of the alleged incidents showed no symptoms of exposure to toxic agents.

Konashenkov added that while patients were receiving first aid in the hospital in question, unidentified people burst into the building, and some were holding video cameras, and these people started shouting, fanning hysteria, and they carried a hose and dosed all those present with water crying out that all of them had been exposed to poisonous agents, and after causing panic in the room and shooting the video, the unidentified people vanished from the premises.

The spokesman said that Russia “knows for certain that between April 3rd and 6th, the “White Helmets” were pressed by Britain to speed up the implementation of the planned provocation to accuse the Syrian Arab Army of using chemical weapons in Douma.

Konashenkov stressed that the Western countries – led by the United States – did not provide any evidence of using chemical weapons in Douma amid indiscriminate and unfounded accusations against the Syrian forces of using chemicals in Douma.

He reiterated that the Ministry has much evidence proving that what happened on April 7th in Douma was a deliberate act of provocation meant to mislead public opinion and justify US missile strikes against Syria.

Earlier, a Russian military official stressed that experts have already inspected the site of the alleged attack in Douma and found no trace of chemical weapons.

English Bulletin

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