Security Council adopts resolution calling for cessation of combat activities in Syria

New York, SANA – The Security Council adopted unanimously a resolution calling for cessation of combat activities in Syria for 30 days at least.

In a speech after the vote, Russia’s Permanent Representative at the UN Vasily Nebenzya said that resolution no. 2401 clearly states that cessation of combat activities does not apply to military operations against Daesh, Jabhat al-Nusra, and all those affiliated to Al Qaeda and any terror group included in the list of terrorist organizations.

Nebenzya also said that some groups have violated agreements in de-escalation zones, stressing that fighting terrorism mustn’t become an excuse for carrying out illegal agendas, like what the United States is doing, adding that Russia is worried about the American threats against Syria, saying that this hostile rhetoric must stop.

Meanwhile, China’s Permanent Representative at the UN Ma Zhaoxu said that China welcomes adopting resolution no. 2401 which serves the political solution as the only way to resolve the crisis in Syria, stressing the need to continue fighting terrorism.

Hazem Sabbagh

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