Aleppo, SANA- Some 258 producers specialized in small and handicrafts industries participated in the exhibition and distributed in 107 pavilions to display their products of food, clothing, leather, handmade, furniture, …
December, 2021
12 December
Turkish occupation mercenaries continue to excavate, steal antiquities in Afrin region
Aleppo, SANA- The mercenaries of Turkish occupation continued their systematized criminal acts against the Syrian heritage, as they began a new excavation process for antiquities under immediate supervision by Turkish …
12 December
Turkish regime’s mercenaries cut down hundreds of olive trees in Afrin
Aleppo, SANA- Turkish occupation mercenaries of terrorist organizations cut down hundreds of fruitful and forest trees in Afrin area in Aleppo northern countryside over the past few days to be …
12 December
A stand in condemnation of Turkish occupation and its terrorist tools
Aleppo, SANA- Locals of Khirbet al-Hayat in Aleppo northern countryside stressed their rejection of the Turkish occupation and its terrorist mercenaries. SANA reporter in Aleppo said that the locals of …
2 December
Four civilians, including woman kidnapped in Afrin, Aleppo countryside
Aleppo, SANA- The Turkish occupation and its terrorist mercenaries kidnapped four civilians, including a woman in Afrin area, Aleppo northern countryside The Turkish occupation forces and terrorist groups of the …
November, 2021
29 November
Two children martyred in bomb explosion, Aleppo countryside
Aleppo, SANA- Two children were martyred in bomb explosion in al-Halwanji village, Aleppo northern countryside occupied by the Turkish occupation and its terrorist mercenaries. A bomb went off near one …
29 November
Material damage caused due to Turkish occupation’s attack in Aleppo countryside
Aleppo, SANA- The Turkish occupation and its terrorist mercenaries renewed attacking the areas which they occupy in the northern countryside, targeting the citizens’ houses in several northern villages of Aleppo …
28 November
Locals in Tal Rifaat, Aleppo countryside renew rejection of Turkish occupation, its mercenaries
Aleppo, SANA- The locals in Tal Rifaat area, Aleppo northern countryside have renewed their rejection of the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries of terrorist organizations. SANA reporter said that the …
28 November
Two women, two children martyred in car bomb blast in Manbej City
Aleppo, SANA- Two women and two children were martyred and others were injured in a car bomb blast in Manbej City, Aleppo northern countryside, where the US occupation-backed QSD militia …
24 November
Turkish occupation mercenaries continue acts of robbery in Hasaka, Aleppo countryside
Hasaka, Aleppo, SANA- Turkish occupation mercenaries of terrorist organizations have dismantled and stolen the equipment of the silos in al-Manajir village, Hasaka northwestern countryside, meanwhile Turkish occupation linked-terrorist organizations have …