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Health Ministry : 86 new Coronavirus cases registered , 64 recovers and 5 pass away

Damascus, SANA- Health Ministry announced on Tuesday evening that 86 new Coronavirus cases have been registered in the country and that 64 patients infected with the virus have recovered ,while …

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Opening Christmas Cave at Mar Elias Church in Dweilaa in Damascus amid public celebration

Damascus, SANA- With the beginning of Christmas month, Christmas Cave at Greek Orthodox Church of Mar Elias in Dweilaa in Damascus was opened on Tuesday evening amid a religious and …

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Turkish occupation mercenaries attack with artillery shells 5 villages in Raqqa northern countryside

Raqqa, SANA- Turkish occupation mercenaries of terrorist organizations attacked with  artillery the villages of al-Debs, Hoshan, al-Khaldya, Kur Hassan and Qaz’aly in Raqqa northern countryside. Local sources told SANA reporter …

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UN General Assembly adopts a resolution affirming Syrians and Palestinians’ sovereignty in occupied territories over their natural resources

New York, SANA- UN General Assembly adopted on Thursday a resolution that affirms permanent sovereignty of Syrians in the Occupied Syrian Golan and of Palestinians in Occupied Palestinian territories over …

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New convoy affiliated to US occupation forces heads for Iraqi territories

Hasaka, SANA- US occupation forces on Thursday got out a convoy of armored vehicles and trucks from its illegitimate bases in Syrian Al-Jazeera through illegitimate al-Waleed crossing in Hasaka heading …

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A Convoy laden with supplies affiliated to US occupation enters its illegitimate bases in Hasaka countryside

Hasaka, SANA-US occupation on Wednesday brought in a convoy laden with supplies and logistical materials to its illegitimate bases in Hasaka countryside coming from Iraqi territories. Civil sources in Sweidia …

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Jeffrey confesses : We deliberately misled US senior leaders about real number of US troops in Syria

Washington, SANA- Misleading policy practiced by US administration against states that don’t yield to its instructions even reached the US decision makers ,as James Jeffrey has admitted that his team …

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UN General Assembly adopts a draft resolution on E-voting … al-Jaafari: it contradicts the rules of procedures

New York, SANA-The United Nations General Assembly on Friday adopted a draft resolution submitted by Liechtenstein and number of states on “the mechanism of electronic voting on General Assembly resolutions …

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Mrs. Asmaa al-Assad discusses with Kuznetsova the Syrian –Russian efforts to evacuate Russian children from al-Hawl and al-Rawj camps

Damascus, SANA- Mrs. Asmaa al-Assad on Thursday received Children’s Rights Commissioner for the President of the Russian Federation, Anna Kuznetsova, and an accompanying delegation. During the meeting, talks dealt with …

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President al-Assad receives Senior Assistant to Iranian Foreign Minister Khaji and the accompanying delegation

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