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Russian Special Military Operation to Protect Donbass- Live Updates

A person killed, others injured in Ukrainian shelling attack on Russian province of Kursk. Matvienko: Dialogue with the West may be resumed after the end of the operation in Ukraine. …

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Paris Court of Appeal confirms Lafarge complicity in crimes against humanity in Syria

Paris, SANA- The Paris Court of Appeal confirmed the charge of complicity in crimes against humanity against the French cement company Lafarge through its activities in support of terrorist organizations …

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Matvienko: Dialogue with the West may be resumed after end of the operation in Ukraine

Moscow, SANA- Speaker of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Valentina Matvienko has considered that the dialogue between Russia and the West can be resumed after the end of …

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1st Conference for Investment in Electricity Sector and Renewable Energies kicks off in Damascus

Damascus, SANA-The 1st Conference for Investment in Electricity Sector and Renewable Energies kicked off on Sunday at the Jasmine House Hotel in Damascus. The two-day conference will be held under …

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Citizens of occupied Golan protest against Israeli scheme to build wind turbines on their land

Occupied Golan, SANA- Within the framework of the national protest activities against the Israeli occupation’s Judization scheme to set up wind turbines on their agricultural lands, citizens of the occupied …

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Defense Minister: Our people deserve life and victory

Damascus, SANA- Major Gen. Ali Abbas, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Armed Forces and Defense Minister, stated that the homeland defends itself with sacrifices that preserve its sovereignty and …

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President al-Assad, Mrs. Asma al-Assad attend celebration on Martyrs’ Day at the National Museum  

Damascus, SANA- With the participation of President Bashar al-Assad and Mrs. Asma al-Assad, the National Museum in Damascus witnessed on Wednesday evening an event to celebrate the 106th Anniversary of …

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A Palestinian journalist martyred by Israeli occupation fire in Jenin

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- A Palestinian journalist was martyred this morning and another was wounded by fire of the Israeli occupation forces in Jenin in the West Bank. Wafa News Agency …

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A number of Turkish occupation mercenaries injured in infighting in Ras al-Ayn

Hasaka, SANA- A number of the Turkish occupation mercenaries were injured in an infighting that erupted among them in Ras al-Ayn City, Hasaka northwestern countryside. Local sources in Ras al-Ayn …

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World Peace Council condemns coercive measures imposed on the Syrian people

Havana, SANA- The World Peace Council (WPC) has condemned the unilateral coercive measures imposed on the Syrian people, reiterating its support for Syria’s efforts to combat terrorism. This came during …

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