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Tag Archives: news

Sabbagh calls for conveying the reality of events in Syria to European public opinion

Damascus , SANA- Speaker of People’s Assembly ,Hammouda Sabbagh , stressed that the coercive unilateral economic measures imposed on the Syrians are considered as a blatant violation to the International …

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News on agreement in Quneitra on evacuation of terrorists unwilling for settlement

Damascus, SANA- There is news on reaching an agreement in Quneitra stipulating for the evacuation of terrorists unwilling for settlement to Idleb, SANA reporter said. The reporter indicated that according to …

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News on reaching agreement on handing over arms by terrorists in Daraa al-Balad

Daraa, SANA- There is news on reaching an agreement between the Syrian state and terrorist groups in Daraa al-Balad, SANA reporter said on Wednesday evening. The reporter added that initial …

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SANA refutes as “baseless” publishing news on arrival of Chinese forces in Syria, Sputnik apologizes

Damascus, SANA- Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) refuted as “ baseless” what Sputnik Agency had attributed to it on its website, stressing that that it had not published any news …

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Al-Ikhbariya TV channel reporter Ahmad al-Hamdoush injured by ISIS gunfire in Deir Ezzor

Deir Ezzor, SANA – Syrian al-Ikhbariya news channel reporter Ahmad al-Hamdoush and an interpreter working for one of the Russian channels were injured by ISIS gunfire in the eastern Deir …

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Army units advance in Joubar neighborhood in Damascus

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Patriarch Yazigi inaugurates Shrine of St. John the Baptist in Wadi al-Nadar, Homs

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