Sunday weather forecast..Low drop in temperatures

Damascus, SANA Temperatures will drop to become lower than average as the country is being affected by a low air pressure in all layers of the atmosphere accompanied with moderate and wet winds.

The expected temperature degrees are: in Damascus 33/20, in Aleppo 33/21, in Hama 33/21, in Raqaa 36/21 and in Idleb 31/21.

The Meteorology Department expected, in its Sunday bulletin, that the weather is moderate between clear to partly cloudy in general; local rain showers are expected over the northwesterly, the coastal and the central region.

The winds are western to northwestern their speed is moderate, while the altitude of the sea waves is light to moderate.

On Monday, temperatures will rise to become nearly around their average. The skies are between clear to partly cloudy in general.

H. Zain/ Barry

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