The army establishes control over Flita barrens in Qalamoun and villages in Hama, foils ISIS attack in Hasaka

Provinces, SANA-The army and armed forces on Saturday inflicted more losses upon terrorist organizations in personnel and equipment in various areas, including Jabhat al-Nusra and the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Qalamoun, Damascus countryside 

All of the barren mountains of Flita in Qalamoun area in Damascus Countryside came under the army’s full control after groups of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists were eliminated to the last one, a military source announced Saturday.

The source told SANA that the army units, in cooperation with the Lebanese national Resistance, established this morning full control over the whole mountains of Flita, inflicting heavy losses upon Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in personnel and equipment.

Other gains have preceded today’s achievement as the army units and the Lebanese Resistance assumed control of the strategic al-Thallajeh hill a day before after special operations that left dozens of terrorists dead.

Other operations carried out against terrorist organizations operating along the Syrian- Lebanese border area earlier saw the army and the Lebanese national resistance gaining control of Ras al-Maarra barrens, Tellet Mousa (hill), Shmeis al-Hisan Mountain, Qurnet al-Taweel, Qurnet al-Mish and Oqbet al-Faskh in Flita barren mountains.

The army air force destroyed dens of the Takfiri terrorist organizations in the vicinity of Douma and Zibdin in the Eastern Ghouta in Damascus Countryside.


The Army Air Force destroyed a number of terrorists’ hideouts in al-Latamneh, Kafar zita, Abdoun, al-Hamidiyeh and Qastoun in Hama countryside.

The army established full control over the villages of Umm Twina, Zanouba and Rasm al-Qudsyeh in al-Salamyeh in Hama countryside, killing a number of terrorists and destroying their weaponry, vehicles and munitions.


Meanwhile, 6 terrorists of the so-called Liwa al-Yarmouk ,among them a Saudi terrorist nicknamed Abu Osama and a Jordanian called Abdel Rahman Khalifa al-Radi were killed in a special operation by an army unit.

The army operation resulted in the demolishing of 3 machinegun-equipped cars in al-Kark al-Sharqi neighborhood in Daraa al-Ballad in the southern province of Daraa.

The source added that an army unit carried out a precise operation against the terrorists’ gatherings at the surroundings of Bilal al-Habashi Mosque, to the west of al-Omari Mosque and in al-Kark and al-Sibeh neighborhoods in Daraa al-Balad, killing and wounding a number of terrorists and the destroying a mortar launcher base.

Another army unit killed a number of Jabhat al-Nusra and the so-called Liwa Jaidor Horan and Liwa Hamzeh Asadu Allah terrorists and destroyed a number of their vehicles in a special operation against their gatherings to the west of the southern entrance of Kafer Shams town in the northwestern countryside of Daraa.

The army air force also killed scores of the Takfiri terrorists in al-Ghariya al-Sharqyia and al-Harra town in the countryside of the province.

Army units destroyed  weapons and ammunition depots for Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists and killed  dozens of them in Nahtah and to the north of Saida in the countryside of the southern province .


In the northeastern countryside of Quneitra, a military source said that an army unit killed a number of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in al-Samadaniyeh al-Gharbiyeh town.


The army operations against Jabhat al-Nusra and other Takfiri terrorist organizations’ gatherings and supply lines in Anadan city and Haritan town in the northern countryside of Aleppo resulted in the killing of a number of terrorists and the destruction of a number of their vehicles.

The  army units killed and injured scores of the terrorist organizations’ members in Bianon and Haiyan towns to the northwestern of Aleppo.

In the southern countryside, the source added that army units assumed direct blows to the terrorists hideouts, killing a number of them in the villages of Azan and Ebtin.

Elsewhere, an army unit conducted a precise bombardment against the Takfiri terrorist organizations gatherings, killing a number of their members and injuring others in al-55Mansourah village in the western countryside of Aleppo.

Another army unit killed a number of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorists and destroyed many of their vehicles, weapons and ammunition at the surroundings of the Air Force Academy in the eastern countryside of Aleppo.

In Aleppo city, the source said that army units carried out precise operations against terrorists of Jabhat al-Nusra and other Takfiri terrorist organizations in the neighborhoods of Ein al-Tal, Bab al-Hadid, Karm Mayser, Allyramoun, Old city, al-Mashhad, Salah Eddin and Hanano.

The army operations resulted in the killing and injuring of a number of terrorists in Bani Zaid and Salah Eddin neighborhoods.


An army unit evacuated a number of military posts in the vicinity of Mhanbel town in the countryside of Idleb and re-positioned in new posts and lines more appropriate for carrying out combat missions in the area.

Scores of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists were killed and 5 of their vehicles with machine guns mounted on them were destroyed in a series of army air strikes against their gatherings in Sankarah, Einata, Maatram, Kafer Shalaya, Bsankoul and Mhambel in the countryside of the northern Idleb province.

The source added that a convoy of terrorists’ vehicles was destroyed on the road of al-Mutilla-Ainata, and scores of terrorists were killed and others were injured in the airstrikes carried out by the army air force.

Concentrated airstrikes against terrorists’ positions also left large numbers of them dead and others wounded, in addition to destroying three of their vehicles and a mortar launcher in Mu’taram and to the north of al-Qiyasat checkpoint and Maqla’a Oram al-Joz.

Meanwhile, units of the army and the armed forces repelled an attempt by Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists to infiltrate into Sanqar town, leaving dozens of them dead and injuring others in the vicinity of Hirsh Basanqoul.

A unit of the Special Forces killed 8 terrorists in an ambush and destroyed one of their vehicles that was equipped with a heavy machinegun in the area surrounding Sanqar town, while another unit killed a number of terrorists and injured others and destroyed their arms and ammunition in a night raid against their positions in the vicinity of Kafr Shalaya.

Army airstrikes pounded Jabhat al-Nusra dens near Abu al-Duhour airport, al-Taman’a, Tal Salmo and Khan Shaikhoun and an arms depot in Kafranbel in Idleb countryside.


An army unit, aided by the popular defense groups, thwarted a terrorist attack by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) on al-Sikman village in the northeastern countryside of Hasaka in northeastern Syria, a Police Command source told SANA Saturday.

The source said clashes erupted with ISIS terrorists on the outskirts of the village, which is located 40 km to the north-east of Hasaka city.

The clashes left dozens of ISIS terrorists killed or wounded and a number of their vehicles that were equipped with machineguns destroyed or damaged.


Army units destroyed terrorists’ hideouts in al-Sultanyeh and Talat al-Rastan and thwarted terrorists’ attempt to infiltrate al-Msheirfa al-Shimalyeh in Homs countryside.

Deir Ezzor

In Deir Ezzor province, the army eliminated terrorists and destroyed machineguns-equipped vehicles in the areas of al-Hweija, al-Sinaa, al-Rasafah and al-Hweiqa.

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