Easter celebrations kept to a minimum due to current events, Patriarch Aphrem II: The Syrians’ will to live will triumph-Video

Damascus, SANA – Christian denominations in Syria, who follow the Eastern calendar, have only held prayers and masses in celebration of Easter in respect for Syria’s martyrs.

Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II Karim, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, Supreme Head of the Universal Syriac Orthodox church, presided over a Mass at the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch on Sunday, during which he stressed the sublime meanings of Easter, the feast that commemorates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the messenger of love and peace.

The Patriarch implored God to protect Syria and its people, army and leadership and bestow patience upon all of the Syrians, particularly those who have lost loved ones during the ongoing terrorist war in the country.Afram1

“The evil which Syria is now facing will not last as the Syrian people’s will to live is much stronger,” said Patriarch Karim.

“And so is the faith binding the hearts of the homeland’s people, Muslims and Christians,” he added.

The Patriarch unveiled the new memorial of the Syriac martyrs who perished at the hands of the Ottoman Turks in 1915 in horrible massacres against Armenians, Syriacs, Assyrians and Chaldeans.

The Christian clergymen affirmed that Easter is the feast of resurrection and movement from darkness to light, noting that prayers today are for peace and love to prevail in Syria and to implore God to protect Syrian Army who will achieve victory and restore security and stability to the homeland.

The clergymen implored God to protect Syria’s army, leadership and people who form together a unique texture, urging the Syrians to be united to confront terrorism.


The worshippers stressed the importance of following the principles of Jesus Christ as a path to rescue Syria from the universal conspiracy targeting it, indicating that this occasion is a chance to renew the mission of love and forgiveness of Jesus.

They prayed for the repose of the souls of martyrs who sacrificed themselves for Syria.

Manar al-Frieh/Haifa Said/Manal Ismael

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