Army intensifies operations in Idleb, kills many terrorists all across the country

Provinces, SANA – Units of the army and armed forces on Tuesday eliminated scores of the takfiri terrorist organizations’ members in many areas across the country, destroying their weaponry and vehicles.


An army unit thwarted a terrorist attack against Maksar al-Hossan village in eastern Homs, a military source said.

The source explained to SANA that a group of terrorists tried to infiltrate Maksae al-Hossan from the direction of Unq al-Hawa village but were repelled and held back by the army members.

Many of those were killed, while others managed to flee towards the desert.

The army also targeted gatherings of terrorists in the villages of Douzin, Rasm al-Sawaneh, al-Hreijeh, al-Mazbal and Salam Gharbi in easern Homs.

Other military operations targeted terrorists in the eastern hills of al-Msheirfeh al-Janoubiyeh village and in Rasm al-Qasr and Tal al-Madrajah.

ISIS terrorists operating in Rahoum and Jazal villages and the area around al-Shaer oil field were also hit by the army, with many of them getting killed or wounded.

In the northern countryside of Homs, the army units killed more terrorists, most of them were affiliated to Jabhat al-Nusra, in al-Rastan city , Talbiseh, Haret al-Shir and Housh Hajjo.


An army unit targeted gatherings and dens of terrorists from the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in Um al-Kiber area and al-Maflouja village to the west of the city of Hasaka, according to a source in the northeastern province.

The operations, the source told SANA, left tens of ISIS terrorists dead and a weapons and ammo cache belonging to them destroyed.

Vehicles with machine guns mounted on them were also destroyed.


The army carried out a series of concentrated operations against Jabhat al-Nusra positions in the northern Idleb city.

A military source described the operations as “successful” as they have resulted in killing and injuring scores of terrorists.

Speaking in a statement to SANA, the source added that an army unit targeted terrorists’ hideouts in the eastern and northeastern countryside of Idleb. Many terrorists were killed inside the hideouts, which are located in Binnish and Saraqeb cities and Tal Salmo and al-Hamidiyeh villages.

The army also targeted the terrorist organizations’ supply routes across Turkey, destroying a number of their vehicles and gatherings in the village of Kafr Jales village and Maaret Misrin town to the north of Idleb.

Many terrorists were killed in the villages and towns of Bdama, Ein al-Beida, Ein al-Hour, Halouz, al-Z’einiyeh and al-Ghassaniyeh in Jisr al-Shughour area.

The army units intensified operations against Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists, targeting their hideouts and gatherrings in Kourin and Nahlya in Ariha countryside.

An army unit inflicted heavy losses upon terrorists in an operation that targeted their gatherings in al-Hbeit town in southwestern Idleb.


Units of the army destroyed several dens and vehicles used by Jabhat al-Nursa terrorist organization during operations in Eidoun village in the southwestern countryside of Salamiyeh city in Hama province.

All terrorists inside the vehicles and on board the vehicles were killed, while their weapons and ammunition were destroyed.

Yesterday, terrorists targeted Salamiyeh city with two rockets, killing at least 7 people and injuting scores of others.

The army also carried out operations in the eastern countryside of Salamyieh where it targeted terrorists from the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria ( ISIS) in Jana al-Albawi, Al-Qneitrat, Jebb al-Marabe’ and Abu Dali villages.

More dens for terrorists from Jabhat al-Nusra and its affiliates in Kafar Zita town and al-Zakat and Atshan villages in the northern and northwestern countryside of Hama province.

Deir Ezzor

Units of the army and armed forces on Tuesday destroyed a vehicle of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria “ISIS” terrorist organization at the northern entrance of Deir Ezzor city.

A military source told SANA that a unit of the army carried out a direct blow against a vehicle of ISIS loaded with arms and ammunition near al-Siyassia bridge which separates the villages of Hatla and al-Huwaiqa at the northern entrance of Deir Ezzor city.

The source added that the vehicle was completely destroyed and five terrorists on board were killed.


An army unit carried out intensive strikes on Jabhat al-Nusra gatherings, killing a number of terrorists and injuring others in Om al-Mayaden village 2 kilometers from the Jordanian borders, a military source told SANA.

The army killed a number of terrorists in al-Turshan neighborhood in Busra al-Sham, Mzerib and the western Hara of Attaman town in Daraa countryside.

Another Army units carried a precise operation targeting the hideouts of terrorist organizations in Ibataa, Inkhel, Salmeen, Zamreen in the northern countryside of Daraa province, resulting in killing and injuring a number of terrorists and destroying their arms and ammunition.

The army also targeted terrorists’ dens in Kafr Nasej, Om al-Awsaj, and Kafr Shams in the northwestern countryside of the province, killing and injuring a number of terrorists.

Another unit carried out accurate strikes against the terrorist concentrations west of al-Sultan mosque and the meteorology building in Daraa al-Balad, killing and injuring a number of terrorists.

Meanwhile, terrorist organizations’ pages on social media sites acknowledged the death of 21 of their members, including Malek Mustafa al- Itrat, Qasem Joseph al-Itrat, Musa Uweir, Joseph al-Nseirat, and Mohammad al- Akhras.


Units of the army and armed forces directed heavy strikes on the dens of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in the villages of Mas’hara and Om Batnehm in Quneitra province, killing and injuring a number of terrorists.


An army unit destroyed a tunnel and killed over 30 terrorists in Saladin neighborhood in Aleppo, according to a military source.

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