Breaking News Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Ministry: Israeli occupation entity escalated on Saturday its flagrant aggression on different regions, among which the aggression on brotherly Yemen, by targeting several civilian facilities, leaving a number of martyrs and dozens of wounded.

Lavrov: Anti-terror operations in Idleb carried out legally

Moscow, SANA_ Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov reiterated that any agreements or understandings regarding the de-escalation zone in Idleb do not include terrorist organizations, stressing that anti-terror operations being carried out in the province are “completely legal”.

Lavrov said in a press conference after his talks with his Mexican counterpart Ebrard Casaubon in Mexico on Friday that all what is being done to fight the terrorists is carried out legally, stressing that “any agreements to reduce escalation in Idleb do not include terrorists because they are out of Law.”

Earlier, the Russian Diplomat said that fighting terrorism in Syria is a sovereign right of the state and its duty to eradicate its danger, noting that “the Syrian army is fighting on its sovereign territory against terrorists designated as terrorist entities on the UN Security Council’s list.

Lavrov explained that the Turkish regime had not fulfilled its obligations under the Sochi understandings on the de-escalation zone in Idleb and said that the terrorists are still positioned in Idleb, so the Turks should fulfill their obligations.

On Thursday, Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed that the ongoing terrorist attacks which target the Syrian army and Russian forces are waged by terrorist organizations from the Turkish- controlled areas.




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