Concentrated strikes against positions of al-Nusra terrorists in Hama northern countryside

Hama, SANA_ Syrian Arab Army units carried out intensive missile strikes against positions of abhat al-Nusra terrorists on the directions of al-Jabin / Tal Melh and al-Zakat/ al-Latamina

villages in northern Hama in response to their repeated attacks on villages and towns in Hama countryside.

SANA reporter said that army units on Friday targeted with concentrated artillery strikes positions of  Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists on the direction of al-Jabin / Tal Melh, destroying the terrorists’ fortified points.

On the direction of al-Latamina town towards the villages of al-Zakat, Hasraya, and Abu Raeida in Hama northern countryside, army units conducted artillery strikes and a barrage of missiles on  Jabhat al-Nusra’s terrorists’ supply routes, killing a number of them.

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