Shaaban: Palestine cause is never managerial, rather our top priority

Damascus, SANA – Under the title “Between burning and closure.. The will of People wins” Al Quds International Foundation-Syria branch-commemorated on Wednesday the 48th anniversary of the crime of burning al-Aqsa Mosque during a meeting at Dama Rose Hotel in Damascus.

In a speech, Bouthaina Shaaban, Presidential Political and Media Advisor and Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation, said that “Syria’s standing by the side of is like standing by its side, our pride in Palestine is our pride in ourselves, and glory will be ours when we cherish each other and when we support each other.”

Shaaban stressed that Palestine is not only a geographical spot, but “a symbol of the dignity and holiness of the Arab Nation and the symbol of Christianity and Islam, so we can not in any way consider the Palestinian cause as marginal. On the contrary, it is our vital duty and our duty towards our destiny to consider it as our top priority.”

On August 21, 1969, an extremist Zionist named Denis Michael Rohan burned parts of the al-Aqsa Mosque, instigated by the Israeli occupation authorities, as part of the attempts to destroy one of the most important religious and historical landmarks that assert the deep-rooted Arab and Islamic presence in the occupied city of al-Quds and Palestinian territories.

H. Ali/H. Said

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