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Syria obtains four medals in International Computer Championship “Info Cup 2023

Damascus, SANA- Syrian Scientific Olympiad students won four medals; two silver and two bronze, in the International Computer Science Championship (Info Cup 2023) organized by Romania between February 2 and …

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A citizen injured in an explosive device blast in Daraa

Daraa, SANA- A citizen was injured in an explosive device blast attached to his car in al-Matar neighborhood in Daraa city. A medical source in Daraa Health Directorate told SANA …

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Qamishli intellectuals call for lifting sanctions imposed on the Syrian people

Qamishli, SANA- A group of Qamishli intellectuals staged a protest stand to call for lifting the unjust economic blockade imposed by the US occupation on the Syrian people and the …

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Four Emirati planes loaded with aid arrive in the airports of Damascus and Lattakia

Damascus, Lattakia, SANA- Four Emirati planes loaded with humanitarian aid arrived on Friday at the international airports of Damascus and Lattakia for those affected by the earthquake that struck Syria …

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Two aftershocks hit northwestern Idleb and northwest of Lattakia

Damascus, SANA- Two aftershocks hit on Thursday, northwest of Idleb, and northwest of Lattakia. National Earthquake Center stated in a statement to SANA reporter on Thursday that an aftershock measuring …

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Al-Ghabbash, President of Iranian RCS discuss ways to enhance cooperation between the two sides

Damascus, SANA- Health Minister Dr. Hassan al-Ghabbash, discussed with President of the Iranian Red Crescent Society (IRCS), Dr. Pir Hossein Kolivand, means of enhancing cooperation to follow up the response …

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Three planes from Chechnya and UAE arrive at Lattakia International Airport, loaded with relief aid

Lattakia, SANA- Three planes arrived at Lattakia International Airport on Thursday, two of them from the Republic of Chechnya and the third one from the UAE. The Three planes carry …

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An earthquake measuring 3.4 magnitude hits area north of the Dead Sea

Amman, SANA- The Jordanian Seismological Observatory (JSO) recorded on Thursday an earthquake measuring 3.4 magnitude on the Richter scale, north of the Dead Sea. Jordanian Petra News Agency quoted JSO …

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Palestinian relief team ends mission in Syria, al-Maliki says

 Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad Al-Maliki announced that the Palestinian relief team will end on Thursday its eight-day humanitarian mission in Syria and return to Palestine at Friday …

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China Daily: US refusal to lift unilateral coercive measures on Syria ‘shameful’

Beijing, SANA- China Daily newspaper described the US rejection to lift unilateral coercive measures on Syria as “a shameful and outrageous action”, which is completely expected by Washington, as it …

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