Larijani: No alliance can take a decision to set up a buffer zone in any country

Tehran, SANA – Speaker of the Iranian Shura Council Ali Larijani said no alliance can take a decision of creating a buffer zone in any country as such a measure would lead to international chaos and is not easy to be implemented.

Speaking to reporters in Isfahan city, Larijani answered a question on the movement of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist organization and Turkey’s conduct concerning it by saying “Their goals can’t be easily realized as they are not strongly grounded in terms of the international rules.”

In reference to the Syrian town of Ayn al-Arab on the border with Turkey, which ISIS has been trying to seize control of over the past weeks, Larijani said the issue regarding the town is of great significance right now, warning that imposing a siege on the locals would aggravate the humanitarian situation there.

While urging everybody to help in taking the appropriate stand, the Iranian parliament’s speaker said Tehran “will do everything in its power to rescue the residents of Ayn al-Arab.”

In a statement last Thursday, Larijani questioned the seriousness of the US-led anti-ISIS “international coalition”, saying what the US and its allies are doing is more like “a security grandstanding than a serious war against terrorism.”

As he slammed the coalition, Larijani said Iran has its own programs and plans for combating terrorism and will continue working on the basis of these plans in the future.

Haifa Said

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