French Mayor calls for protecting human heritage of Syria

Damascus, SANA-French Beziers city’s Mayor, Robert Minard called Saturday for protecting the human

heritage and archeological sites in Syria from looting and sabotage acts, perpetrated by the armed
terrorist organizations.

“My visit to Syria aims to support the Syrian people who confront terrorism and a war waged on the
country since more than three years,” the Mayor said during a visit to al-
Tekkiye Mosque, al-Azem Palace and Khan Asa’ad Basha sites in Damascus.

He pointed out to the possibility of making a twining agreement between the Syrian and French cities,
saying that visiting the ancient town of Ma’aloula in Damascus countryside paves the way for discussing
what would be offered by the city of Beziers to restore the city and shed light on the problem of terrorism
and its dangers on the human heritage in Syria.

The Mayor affirmed that the French people began to acknowledge the reality of situations in Syria.

Mazen Eyon

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