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Tag Archives: Syria

Syria demands immediate int’l action to save locals of Kefraya and al-Fuaa

Damascus, SANA – Syria called on the United Nations and the UN Security Council on Thursday to take immediate action to end the suffering of the people of the towns …

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Lavrov: Main parameters to establish de-escalation zone in south of Syria have been discussed

Moscow, SANA – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that the process of discussing the main parameters for the establishment of a de-escalation zone in the south of Syria has …

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Kosachev: US decision to shut down training program of “Syrian opposition” enhances Russian-US cooperation

Moscow, SANA – The Head of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Russian Upper House of Parliament Konstantin Kosachev said the U.S. decision to shut down the US Central Intelligence …

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Russian Defense Ministry: General situation in Syria’s de-escalation zones remains stable

Moscow, SANA – Russian Defense Ministry affirmed on Wednesday that the general situation in the areas of de-escalation in Syria remains stable despite the registration of 9 violations during the …

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“Syria, that will win” international photography exhibition kicks off in Moscow

Moscow, SANA – An international photography exhibition entitled “Syria, that will win” opened in Moscow with the participation of a large crowd of Russian, Syrian and foreign citizens residing in …

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Lavrov: Astana results gave new momentum to intra-Syrian dialogue in Geneva

Brussel, SANA – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov affirmed that the results achieved by the Astana meetings on the crisis in Syria gave new momentum and additional dynamism to the …

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Zakharova: Provocative campaigns against Syrian government aim at preparing ground to accuse it of chemical weapons use

Moscow, SANA – Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova affirmed that the provocative media campaigns against Syrian government aimed at preparing ground to accuse it of use of chemical weapons. …

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Russian Foreign Ministry: OPCW’s report on Syria based on very doubtful data

Moscow, SANA-Russian Foreign Ministry affirmed on Friday that the report of the Special Mission of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) on Syria is based on highly …

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Foreign Ministry: US chemical attack claim aims at justifying new aggression on Syria

Damascus, SANA – The misleading campaign launched by the United States over the past few days alleging that Syria intends to launch a chemical attack on citizens is unsubstantiated and …

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Syria’s position firm and principled in rejecting the use of chemical weapons or any kind of WMD

New York, SANA_ Syria’s position is principled and firm in rejecting and condemning the use of chemical weapons or any kind of weapons of mass destruction, The Acting Charge d’Affaires …

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