Mass wedding for martyrs’ families and army personnel organized by Syriatel in Lattakia

Lattakia, SANA – A marriage ceremony involving 120 couples of the Syrian army personnel and the martyrs’ families was held on Thursday in Lattakia, sponsored by the Syriatel Telecommunications Company.

The mass wedding entitled “In Good Times and in Bad” is the third of its kind, where Syriatlel has launched it as one of the initiatives of its program “Martyrs’ Families are Our Responsibility”, in order to support the Syrian Arab Army martyrs’ families and to stand by the side of those who sacrificed for the integrity of Syria.

The director of promotion and branding in Syriatel Feras al-Muradi pointed out that the company will continue to take responsibility for and look after the heroes of the Syria army and the families of the martyrs.

The head of Syriatel Media Section Alaa Salamour said it is a priority for Syriatel to support the Syrian army heroes, adding “Syriatel has a doctrine that we all believe in, it is to stand by the side of the Syrian Arab Army heroes, since being loyal towards martyrs is by upholding their families. This is an event of a national victory, embodying the culture of life and hope.”


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