Updated-Cabinet, People’s Assembly, local parties and institutions condemn today’s terrorist bombings

Damascus, SANA – The Cabinet condemned the barbaric terrorist bombings that targeted Tartous countryside, Damascus Countryside, Homs city, and Hasaka city on Monday and claimed the lives of innocent civilians.

The Cabinet said that these bombings are part of the desperate efforts of terrorist organizations and the states supporting them to undermine the Syrian people’s determination and steadfastness.

The cabinet added that the bombings constitute a paltry attempt to make up for the defeats terrorists are suffering at the hands of the Syrian Arab Army, the most recent of which being establishing control over the military academies area in Aleppo.

The Cabinet held the states that fund and support terrorist organizations responsible for the attacks, asserting that those who attempt to destabilize the security of Syria and its people will be punished, concluding by offering condolences to the families of the martyrs and wishing the injured a quick recovery.

People’s Assembly: Terrorist bombings constitute attempt to make up for the consecutive losses the terrorists are suffering

The People’s Assembly issued a statement condemning the terrorist attacks, saying that these cowardly acts constitute an attempt to make up for the consecutive losses the terrorists are suffering at the hands of the Syrian Arab Army.

The Assembly said that this new wave of bombings will not daunt the Syrian people; rather they will make Syrians more determined to fight terrorism.

Local parties and institutions condemn terrorist bombings

The National Progressive Front said that today’s terrorist bombings are an expression of the hatred and Takfiri mentality that is trying to destroy Syria, holding those who support, army, fund, and train terrorists and open their borders to them responsible for these heinous crimes.

Meanwhile, Al-Ahed National Party issued a statement condemning the attacks, calling on all forces that love peace and oppose war to take a unified position against terrorism, affirming that Syria will remain impervious to terrorism.

The Syrian Social Nationalist Party also condemned the attack, issuing a statement that these bombings are a sign of desperation on the part of the terrorists who are backed by Turkey, Arab and Western states, and Israel.

Likewise, the Farmers General Union issued a similar statement saying that these bombings prove that the terrorists’ only goal is to murder people and show that they are mere pawns in the hands of Arab Gulf and Western states that serve Israel.

In turn, the General Union of Craftsmen condemned the attacks and said that they show the terrorists’ frustration over the victories achieved by the Syrian Arab Army and over the reconciliations being carried out in the country.

Hezbollah condemns criminal terrorist bombings in Syria

Hezbollah condemned the terrorist bombings that targeted a number of Syrian provinces on Monday and claimed the lives of tens and injured many others, expressing condolences to the families of the martyrs.

“From Tartous to Homs, Damascus and Hasaka, criminality spreads to sow death and destruction and to show the volume of brutality stored in the hearts of the terrorists who are targeting and killing civilians without any reason other than the desire to spread fear and satisfy their insatiable appetite for blood without a shred of religion or conscience,” Hezbollah said in a statement.

Manar al-Frieh/Manal/Hazem Sabbagh

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