Terrorists breach cessation of hostilities agreement 5 times in 24 hours

Lattakia, SANA – The Russian coordination center in Hmeimim observed 5 breaches of the cessation of hostilities agreement by armed terrorist groups in the past 24 hours, which raised the total number of breaches since the agreement came into effect to 470.

The agreement, which came into effect on 27 February, does not include Jabhat al-Nusra, ISIS terrorist organizations and other groups listed by the UN as terrorist organizations.

In a statement on Sunday, the center said that militants from the groups known as “Ahrar al-Sham” shelled al-Zahra area and al-Mouhafaza neighborhood in Aleppo with mortar shells, while the so called “Jaish al-Islam” shelled al-Khalediya residential neighborhood with rocket shells 3 times, affirming that the Russian air force did not target groups which announced joining the cessation of hostilities agreement.

The center added that 2 new towns have joined the cessation of hostilities agreement, raising the number of towns that joined the agreement to 85, while the number of armed groups that announced their joining of the agreement remains unchanged at 52.

“Jabhat Al-Nusra” terrorist organization attacked Meneg town in northern Aleppo in a try to control it before being forced to retreat under fire of the Syrian Army, the Russian center said.


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