Shaaban: Syrian government was first to welcome Russian-US cessation of hostilities agreement

Moscow, SANA-Presidential Political and Media Advisor Bouthaina Shaaban said the legislative elections in Syria called for next April have nothing to do with the Syrian government’s efforts for a political settlement in the country.

Speaking to SANA reporter in Moscow, Shaaban regretted that the majority of media outlets have been depending in their sources of information on Western media which is known for its anti-Syria slant, interpreting every single step taken by the Syrian government as a sign of unwillingness to engage in a political solution, contrary to the Syrian government’s repeated assertion of keenness on a political solution.

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Shabaan described the criticism leveled at the legislative procedures in Syria by some parties as an attempt to justify their inaction and inability to engage in dialogue in Syria.

“I have made it distinctly clear to Russian media that this constitutional step does not impede the Syrian government’s political efforts as the Syrian government has been the first to welcome the US-Russian agreement for a cessation of hostilities over which others continue to bicker,” she said.

During her meeting with top Russian researchers and experts upon the invitation of the Valdai International Discussion Club, Shaaban described the Syrian-Russian relations as “fraternal and friendly”, praising Russia as a country with no colonial history.

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Shaaban said the Arab states that have been recently targeted are the secular ones, adding that the countries that the West depends on for assembling the “Syrian oppositions” know no democracy or freedom.

Shaaban underlined the keenness of the Syrian leadership on ending bloodshed and restoring security and stability in Syria.


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