Updated- Aid convoys enter Kafraya, Foua, al-Moaddamiyeh, Madaya and Zabadani-Video

Idleb, Damascus Countryside, SANA-An aid convoy entered on Wednesday the towns of Kafraya and Foua in Idleb countryside which are besieged by the terrorist organizations.

Ahmad al-Najem, coordinator of field operations in (SARC) said in a statement to SANA reporter that a convoy of humanitarian aid including 18 trucks containing various food aid and 8000 flour bags in addition to a medical team headed to the towns of Kafraya and Foua.

Two aid convoys entered Kafraya and Foua on January 14th and distributed aid to the locals who number more than 20000 in implementation of the plan agreed among the Syrian government, the United Nations, the SARC and the International Red Cross.

The towns of Kafraya and Foua which are located 10 kilometers to the north of Idleb city are besieged by Jaish al-Fateh terrorists and suffer from mortar and rocket terrorist attacks and car bombs in a desperate attempt to break the will of locals.

Meanwhile, a 35-lorry convoy of relief aid has entered al-Moaddamiyeh town in Damascus Countryside.

SANA correspondent said that 35 trucks loaded with food, medical and relief aid entered the town under the supervision of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) and the United Nations.

A source in Damascus Countryside said that the aid includes 8800 flour bags, 4400 food rations, amounts of medicines and health equipment.

Moadamiya  Moadamiya1

The source said that the aid will be distributed among the needy families in implementation of the governmental plans to deliver aid to all Syrian areas.

On February 3rd, Damascus Countryside governorate, in cooperation with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC), distributed aid packages to families in al-Tal and Mu’adamiyat al-Sham cities in the framework of a Syrian government plan to distribute nearly 12000 food and health packages to the needy.

New aid convoy enters towns of Madaya and Zabadani in Damascus Countryside

Meanwhile, a new aid convoy carrying tons of relief aid entered the towns of Madaya and Zabadani in Damascus countryside under the supervision of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) and the United Nations less than a month after 88 trucks loaded with aid entered the town of Madaya.

sarc1 sarc1

Ahmad al-Najem, coordinator of field operations in (SARC) said in a statement to SANA reporter that the convoy includes 59 trucks loaded with 15600 flour bags and about 4100 food rations in addition to medicines.

For his part, Muhannad al-Asadi of SARC  said a mobile medical clinic was brought into Madaya town in Damascus Countryside on Wednesday to check the critical cases there.

Takfiri terrorist groups which are active in Madaya opened fire at the cars of the International Red Cross and SARC missions while they were entering the town to get the critical conditions out on February 9th.

The UN Resident Coordinator in Syria Yacoub al Helou said… we are working on delivering aid to big numbers of people in Madaya, Beqin, al-Zabadani, kafraya, al-Fouaa and Mouadamyet al-Sham, adding that these humanitarian processes take place in conjunction…and we have teams in these towns.

He pointed out that aid should enter monthly to all areas in need in Syria, describing the process of delivering aid in light of big difficulties as good.

“We are in a state of continuous attempt to provide humanitarian aid since the beginning of the crisis,” Al-Helou clarified.

The Syrian government, in cooperation with SARC and the UN managed to get 85 trucks loaded with humanitarian aid into Madaya on January 11th and 14th which contained dozens of tons of food and other aid to the locals there.


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