De Mistura: Iranian-Saudi political rift won’t hinder Geneva meeting on Syria

Geneva, SANA – UN Special Envoy to Syria Staffan De Mistura said Iran told him the diplomatic disagreement with Saudi Arabia will not have implications on the Geneva meeting, scheduled to be held later in the month.

Earlier on the day, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif affirmed that Iran will not allow the tension-provoking actions of Saudi Arabia to undermine the efforts for the settlement of the crisis in Syria or to aggravate the problems of the people in Syria and Yemen.

During his meeting with UN Special Envoy on Syria Staffan de Mistura in Tehran, Zarif pointed out that Iran always acts in a responsible and constructive manner regarding regional crises.

For his part, de Mistura briefed Zarif on his efforts to implement the results of Vienna meetings and reach a list of figures that would represent the opposition in the dialogue with the Syrian government.

He pointed out that efforts are underway to release a unified list of the wildly different opposition groups in Syria, describing the Iranian role in resolving the crisis in Syria as a constructive role.

On Saturday, Syrian Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem met de Mistura who briefed him on the efforts being exerted to reach a political solution for the crisis in Syria, following up on the Vienna talks and relevant UN Security council resolutions, as well as the efforts exerted to hold another round of talks between the Syrian government and the opposition later this month.

English Bulletin

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