A Syrian-Iraqi tribes meeting for activating cooperation against terrorism to be held

Damascus, SANA – The National Reconciliation Committee at the People’s Assembly discussed with a delegation of the Iraqi forum of tribes and clans on Sunday the preparations for holding an extensive forum for Syrian and Iraqi tribes.

The meeting is aimed at activating the role of tribes of the neighboring countries in achieving popular reconciliations and combating terrorism as their common enemy.

The delegation members stressed that the Iraqi people stand by the Syrian people in their war against the terrorist organizations.

They called for tackling some issues related to renewing the residence permits of the Iraqi nationals residing in Syria and other relevant matters.

Nizar al-Obaidi, who is heading the Iraqi delegation, highlighted the importance of forming a joint committee to prepare for holding the meeting of the Syrian and Iraqi tribes and clans.

For his part, Head of the People’s Assembly’s National Reconciliation Committee Omar Ousi stressed the necessity to enhance coordination and cooperation between people of Syria and Iraq in the face of the terrorism striking both countries.

M. al-Frieh/H. Said

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