Syria, Iran… one stance in combating terrorism, keeping states’ sovereignty

Tehran, SANA- Syria and Iran reiterated on Wednesday “standing in one trench” to combat terrorism and its different organizations in a way that keeps independence and sovereignty of the states, peace and security of the region and the world.

Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Fayssal Mikdad and Iranian Assistant Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hussein Amir Abdullahian, following a meeting in Tehran, affirmed that viewpoints were identical on the need to combat terrorism, describing their talks as ” constructive and successful.”


“During the meeting, we discussed a number of issues including Moscow consultative meeting and the Syrian State’s will to achieve more success through consultations with friends in Russia and brothers in Iran,” Mikdad said in a statement.

He added that Tehran and Damascus agreed that the step of Moscow meeting was “a successful event” for a number of reasons, among them that it was the first meeting which gathered the Syrian government with “the oppositions” in Syria, thanking Russia for its efforts to have these consultations a success.

“The talks also dealt with current negotiations on the plan of UN Envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura,” Mikdad said, hoping an accord would be reached soon in Syria to ensure the country’s territorial integrity, combating terrorism and implementing UN Security council resolutions 2170 and 2178 on counter-terrorism.

Mikdad hoped the standing coordination between Syria and Iran would be continued, based on appreciation, amity and integration between the two leaderships in the two countries.

Earlier, During his meeting with Abdullahian in the presence of Syria’s Ambassador in Tehran Adnan Mahmoud, Mikdad underlined that priority now is given to combat terrorism and providing the basic needs to the Syrian people who suffer a takfiri terrorism, backed by international and regional sides in light of an unjust blockade that targets the Syrian people’s livelihood.

Abdullahian, for his part, reaffirmed that Iran supports Syria, as people and government, in the war against terrorism, appreciating the victories gained by the Syrian army against terrorist organizations.

He added that Iran supports any effort which would help solve the crisis in Syria through dialogue, away from foreign interventions.

“We are in one trench against terrorism and we assert keeping Syria’s independence and sovereignty,” Abdullahian said, affirming the need for reaching a political solution to the crisis in Syria.
He described his talks with Dr. Mikdad as “constructive”, which dealt with the latest developments in Syria, taking into consideration the idea proposed by de Mistura.


Mikdad also held talks with Deputy Foreign Minister for legal and international affairs Abbas  Araghchi on the need for making the region an area free of weapons of mass destruction  which is impossible without forcing the Israeli entity to put its nuclear facilities under international observation.

Mikdad was briefed on the latest developments regarding the Iranian nuclear file, affirming Syria’s support to the policy of Iran in this regard.

He referred to Syria’s fulfilling its commitments regarding the Syrian chemical file which should be discussed away from politicization.

Mikdad also discussed with the Chairman of Foreign Policy and National Security Committee at the Iranian Shura Council Alaeddin Boroujerdi bilateral relations and the latest developments in Syria.

During the meeting, Mikdad affirmed that Syria is determined to uproot terrorism, reconstruct Syria and hold national reconciliations in the interest of the Syrian people.

Boroujerdi, for his part, stressed Iran’s continued support to Syria against terrorism, saying “Iranian Shura council backs resolutions of the Iranian government which support Syria and its people.”

The meetings were attended by the Syrian Ambassador in Tehran Adnan Mahmoud.

Mazen Eyon




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