Moscow: additional information reveal US military activities in Ukraine

Moscow, SANA-The Russian Defense Ministry announced that the special military operation to protect Donbas helped obtain additional information on US military-biological activities in Ukraine, confirming numerous violations of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC).

“Taking advantage of the existing gaps in international law and the absence of a clear verification mechanism, the US administration is consistently building up its military-biological potential in various regions of the globe,” Commander of the Russian Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defense Forces, Lieutenant-General Igor Kirillov said.

Kirillov said “The Russian Federation is constantly exerting efforts to establish a mechanism to verify the compliance with the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, but this initiative has been consistently blocked since 2001 by the US-led collective West,”.

He said that documents received by the Russian Defense Ministry confirm links between the Science and Technology Center of Ukraine (STCU) and the US military department,through cooperation of the (STCU) and the Pentagon’s main contractor, Black and Veatch.

Kirillov announced the discovery of drones equipped with special devices for spraying biological materials in Kherson province in southern Ukraine, adding that Ukraine acquired more than 50 such devices in January 2022.

MHD Ibrahim/ Mazen Eyon

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