Lebanese National Resistance shells vicinity of the Israeli occupation sites in Shebaa Farms

Beruit, SANA- The Lebanese National Resistance shelled surroundings of the Israeli occupation sites in Shebaa Farms, south Lebanon, in response to its air raids on al-Jarmaq and al-Shawakir areas.

In a statement for the resistance, broadcast by al-Manar channel at 11:15 a.m. on Friday, and in response to the Israeli air raids on farm lands in al-Jarmaq and al-Shawakir areas Thursday night, groups of Martyr Ali Kamel Mohsen and Martyr Muhammad Qasim Tahan bombed open lands in the vicinity of the Israeli occupation sites in Shebaa Farms with tens of 122 mm rockets.

Lebanese media outlets reported that the occupation bombarded different areas in southern Lebanon.

Nisreen Othman / Mazen Eyon

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