Beijing: Relations between China and the US reached deadlock

Beijing, SANA- China has asserted that relations with the United States had reached a deadlock because some in Washington deliberately have portrayed Beijing as an “imaginary enemy.”

“As soon as relations with China and the challenges facing the United States are mentioned, some Americans warn against Beijing and they portray it as an imaginary enemy to fight it,” Xinhua News Agency quoted Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Xie Feng as saying today during his meeting with his American counterpart Wendy Sherman in the Chinese port of Tianjin.

“It seems that they hope to ignite a sense of patriotism in the United States against an imaginary enemy and somehow divert popular anger and resentment there from the country’s social, political and economic issues and blame China for their structural problems,” Xie added.

He continued, “It seems that there is a campaign at the level of administration and society in the United States to bring down China and try to suppress it… as if restricting and encircling our development and progress will remove all the domestic and foreign challenges and problems facing the Americans.”

He pointed out that the US policy is mainly linked to its own interest, as it demands cooperation when it wants something from Beijing, and it resorts to blockade, sanctions and it cuts off supplies, and adopts the method of confrontation and conflict by all means when it believes that it has the advantage.

The Chinese official called on Washington to change its very wrong mentality and dangerous policy, stressing that what the world needs in the first place is solidarity and cooperation to face various challenges.

He noted that the Chinese people love peace, and what China wants to achieve is to build a model of international relations based on mutual respect, equality, justice, win-win cooperation and a prosperous future for humanity.

He expressed Beijing’s desire to cooperate with Washington in order to establish common ground, remove differences and settle them, while the latter must change its approach and work with China on the basis of mutual respect, fair competition and peaceful coexistence between the two countries.

Ruaa al-Jazaeri

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