Global new coronavirus infections curve continues to drop

Paris, SANA- The new coronavirus infections curve continued to decline this week, recording the lowest level since last October.

With an average of 412,700 daily infections worldwide this week, the curve continues its decline which began a month ago, according to the statistics of French Press Agency.

France Press said the new infections continued to decline this week, “minus 16 percent,” since a record number of 743,000 new infections were recorded in the week between 5 to 11 of January, and dropped to their lowest level since the week between 17 and 23 October.

During one month, new infections around the world decreased by nearly half, “minus 44.5 percent,” taking into consideration that since the outbreak of the epidemic, the index had never witnessed such sharp and continuous decline.

The US recorded the largest number of fatalities last week, “an average of 2784 cases per day”, Mexico, 1187 and Brazil 1058.

Bushra Dabin/ Mazen Eyon

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