Erdogan’s regime continues Turkification policy in areas it occupies in Syria

Raqqa, SANA- Turkish Regime, headed by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, continues its systematic Turkification’s policy in the regions it occupies in the north of Syria through changing its landmarks and creating demographic change there, in addition to displacing their people, imposing Turkish pound, and changing the curriculums and the names of towns.

In a new step, local sources told SANA that the Turkish occupation forces established a branch of the Turkish Postal Establishment in Raqqa northern countryside in the city of Tal Abyad occupied by them and their mercenaries and taken as a starting point to carry out their continuous aggressions against the civilians, with immigrating thousands of them and looting their properties.

Ahval website revealed on Friday that Erdogan’s regime has distributed, till now,400 thousand school book among the Syrian students inside the occupied areas in the north of Syria in the cities of Afrin, Jarablus, al-Bab, A’azaz, Akhtarin, Mare’a and others.

It added that the regime also plans to establish many Turkish universities there for further deepening of the Turkification policy.

The Turkish regime that assaulted Afrin city in 2018 started to give the Turkish names to the main squares, towns and villages, as the name of Qastal Miqdad town was replaced by “Saljoqi Obasi” and the name of “Atatork” was given to the main square after displacing hundreds of thousands of civilians and taking over their houses and properties.

In Ras al-Ayn city in Hasaka, the Turkish occupation also opened a school named as “Ankara”, in the presence of the Turkish Governor of Mardin city, which is the eighth school in the areas occupied by the Turkish forces or controlled by the terrorist groups working under its command.

Baraa Ali / Mazen Eyon

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