Al-Jaafari: western countries turned security council into a tool to serve their political agendas, inflamed crisis in Syria

New York, SANA- Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Bashar al-Jaafari, said that some western states at Security council have sought to repeat catastrophic scenarios in Syria that were applied in other countries under fraud titles and terms.

“Syria has long lived with the failure of Security council to deal with issues that pose threat to the international peace and security in our region and the world, on top, those related to the Israeli occupation of Arab lands,” al-Jaafari, Syria’s permanent representative to the UN said in a statement during a Security Council session via video on the situation in Syria.

He added that western countries still undermine the task of security council and turn it into a tool to serve their political agendas, affirming that those countries have sought, during the last 10 years, to inflame the crisis in Syria, prolong its scope and obstruct the efforts of its settlement.

Al-Jaafari pointed out that all remember that statements of some countries at the Security Council denied, for years, the existence  of cross-border terrorism in Syria, while many others went beyond and denied the presence of “Daesh” in Syria and named foreign terrorists as “moderate armed Syrian opposition,” and today after ten years of the intervention of the Security Council to discuss the situation in Syria, we find  a US  occupation of territories in  the country’s northeast side, and a  support for terrorist entities and separatist militias.

He referred to the presence of  the Turkish occupation in the north and western-north parts of Syria and to Erdogan regime’s support for terrorism and his recruitment of mercenaries and trafficking them at the international war markets.

Al-Jaafari also pointed out to the suffering of a million of Syrian people in Hasaka for the seventeenth time from using water by Erdogan regime as a weapon of war and cutting the water off Alouk station for more than twenty days, causing grave humanitarian suffering there.

He went on to say that the Israeli occupation of the Syrian Golan in southern Syria and  its systematic crimes  against our people continue , the last of which was the closing of a number of the main entrances to the villages of the occupied Syrian Golan  by the Israeli occupation forces and the attacks against  the Syrian citizens to prevent them from reaching their agricultural lands where the occupation seeks to seize them and set up air turbine in the area, in addition to the repeated Israeli aggression on the Syrian lands.

Al-Jaafari questioned what have the Western countries done  to enable the council fulfill its obligations and tasks to end the US ,Turkish and Israeli occupation  of parts of Syrian territory.

” What have the western states done to enable the Council assume an active role in the fight against terrorism represented by Daesh and Jabhat al-Nusra, and the terrorist entities and groups affiliated to them.” , al-Jaafari inquired.

Al-Jaafari added that the Syrian national delegation to the Mini-Committee of Discussing the Constitution played a positive role in facilitating the 4th round meetings, reaffirming the Syrian ownership and leadership for the political process facilitated by the UN.

MHD Ibrahim/ Mazen Eyon

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