Syrian tribes in Hasaka stress commitment to national unity, reject US and Turkish occupation

Hasaka, SANA- Sheikhs and dignitaries of the Syrian tribes and clans in Hasaka affirmed that the tribesmen are an integral part of the Syrian people, adding that the belonging to the homeland is above all loyalties.

The Sheikhs and dignitaries who participated in a national forum held in the culture Center of Hasaka on Monday, affirmed their commitment to the national unity and identity in response  to any conspiracy that targets the homeland and seeks to make sedition among its citizens.

They voiced their absolute rejection of the US and Turkish occupations and their support to the Syrian Arab Army in the face of occupation and terrorism.

The tribes pointed out that they stand against any separatist schemes and fully support the Syrian Arab Army  in its war on terrorism.

Manar Salameh/Bushra Dabin/Mazen Eyon

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