Mikdad discusses with Shamkhani, Khaji and Hatami strategic cooperation between Syria and Iran

Tehran, SANA- Foreign and Expatriates Minister Dr. Fayssal Mikdad has discussed with Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), Ali Shamkhani the strategic cooperation between the two countries in the domain of combating terrorism and the latest political and security developments in the region and the world.

Minister Mikdad, during the meeting, affirmed the principled stances which bind the Syrian and Iranian peoples, particularly in light of the regional and international developments and the challenges imposed on them by international powers to target these stances and in an attempt to exert pressure on them to abandon them.

Mikdad affirmed that reaching sustainable peace and security in the region depends on changing the approach of some states which support terrorism and impose economic siege on the peoples and which try to interfere in the internal affairs of states and to violate their sovereignty and independence.

Mikdad expressed comfort over the level to which the relations between the two brotherly countries have reached in different domains, hailing the Iranian support to Syria throughout its war against terrorism.

Shamkhani, for his part, expressed his country’s adherence to the cooperation with Syria in combating terrorism till the end of the terrorist war imposed on the Syrian people, underlining the necessity to adhere to Syria’s unity, territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence and the withdrawal of the US troops and all the other illegitimate troops from Syria completely.

He condemned the repeated Israeli acts of aggression on the Syrian territories which represent a flagrant violation of the international laws, and the silence of the international community regarding them.

The meeting was attended by Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and Syria’s ambassador to Iran Shafiq Dayoub.

During Minister Mikdad’s meeting with Senior Aide of the Iranian Foreign Minister for Special Political Affairs, Ali Asghar Khaji, the two sides expressed comfort over the continued coordination and consultation between the two countries in all domains and over the outcomes reached through holding the International Conference on Return of Refugees in Damascus which have exposed the falseness of the allegations of some states which claim that they are keen on the Syrian people and their attempts to hinder the conference and to block the efforts exerted by the Syrian government and the friendly states for its success.

 Minister Mikdad asserted Syria’s adherence to the political process in parallel with its continuation to practice its right in combating terrorism which has become a threat to the whole world through the terrorist attacks witnessed in many areas and after the link between the terrorist organizations which launch these attacks and the Western intelligences has been proved.

He noted that the continued support provided by the US and Turkish regimes to these terrorist organizations aims to foil the political process in the country and to block the efforts exerted to achieve the hoped-for progress and restoring security and stability to all of its territories.

The two sides hailed the positive role played by the Syrian national delegation at the meetings of the Committee of Discussing the Constitution which have been held recently in Geneva, affirming that this committee is independent and that they support its work according to the rules of procedures which had been agreed upon earlier and without any foreign interference from any party, and they condemned the attempts of some states to interfere in it work and to negatively affect the course of its meetings.

In the conclusion of his visit to Tehran, Minister Mikdad recorded a word at the open condolence book at the Iranian Defense Ministry on the martyrdom of nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh where he was received by Defense Minister Amir Hatami and senior military officials.

Later Mikdad and Hatami discussed the joint cooperation and coordination between the two sides in all domains as Mikdad underlined the importance of continuing this cooperation to face the challenges and the terrorist crimes and attacks and the aggression practiced by the Israeli entity and the states which support it, the latest of which was the assassination of Fakhrizadeh.

Mikdad indicated that the operation of targeting nuclear scientist such as Fakhrizadeh will be recorded by history as a crime against all humanity and a stigma on the forehead of Israel and its backers, affirming that responding to these crimes is a legitimate right.

Hatami, for his part, asserted his country’s continued support to Syria, saying “as we have been side by side in the war against terrorism, we will be side by side in the reconstruction.”

Ruaa al-Jazaeri

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