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Golan Is Syrian

October, 2021

  • 11 October

    Golan Citizens reject Israeli measures to set up any settlement project on the occupied territory

    Occupied Syrian Golan, SANA- Syrian citizens in the occupied Syrian Golan rejected Israeli measures to set up any settlement project on their lands, reaffirming their commitment to the Syrian identity. …

September, 2021

  • 18 September

    Citizens of Golan and occupied Palestinian territories of 1948 stand in solidarity with captives in Israeli prisons

    Occupied Jerusalem, SANA -Hundreds of citizens of the occupied Syrian Golan and Palestinian territories of 1948 organized on Saturday a stand in front of Jalboa prison in solidarity with the …

June, 2021

  • 26 June

    On the anniversary of hoisting national flag in liberated Quneitra, Syrians more determined to restore the occupied Golan

     Damascus, SANA-On the twenty-sixth of June 1974, the founding leader Hafez al-Assad raised the flag of the homeland in the liberated city of Quneitra. Hoisting the national flag in the …

May, 2021

  • 27 May

    Citizens of occupied Syrian Golan : presidential election entitlement a new victory for Syria

    Occupied Syrian Golan, SANA- Citizens of occupied Syrian Golan affirmed that holding presidential election as scheduled was a new victory for Syria. Golan citizens organized a car rally on Wednesday …

April, 2021

  • 16 April

    Citizens of Golan affirm their commitment to Syrian identity, resistance against occupation

    Occupied Syrian Golan, SANA – Syrian citizens in the occupied Syrian Golan affirmed their adherence to Syrian Arab identity and struggle against Israeli plots aimed at falsifying history, geography, identity …

  • 8 April

    Banyas Castle in occupied Syrian Golan: a historical fortress in the face of occupation

    Damascus, SANA- Archaeological sites in occupied Syrian Golan summarize the epics and heroics witnessed throughout different eras, one of them is Banyas Castle or the Nimrod, popularly known as al-Sabiba, …

March, 2021

  • 29 March

    Israeli occupation authorities arrest freed captive Sedqi al-Maqt for hours

    Occupied Syrian Golan, SANA- Israeli occupation authorities arrested on Monday Syrian freed captive, Sedqi al-Maqt, for several hours. SANA reporter said that the Israeli occupation forces arrested al-Maqt while he …

  • 8 March

    Citizens of occupied Golan determined to confront occupation

    Occupied Golan, SANA – Citizens of the occupied Syrian Golan affirmed determination to adhere to the Syrian identity and resilience in the face of hostile practices of the Israeli occupation. …

  • 7 March

    Citizens in occupied Syrian Golan renew rejection of occupation plan to build wind turbines on their lands

    Occupied Golan, SANA- Citizens of the occupied Syrian Golan staged a stand in Masada village in the occupied Golan on Saturday in protest against the Israeli occupation plan to build …

February, 2021

  • 15 February

    Israeli occupation violations of archeological heritage in occupied Syrian Golan continue

    Damascus, SANA- The feverish attempts of the Israeli occupation entity, since its occupation of the Syrian Arab Golan in June 1967, have never succeeded in finding any evidence on their …