Home / Golan Is Syrian (page 4)

Golan Is Syrian

January, 2022

  • 13 January

    Golan delegation participates in rally of solidarity with Palestinian cancer-stricken prisoner Abu Hamid

    Occupied Jerusalem, SANA-Hundreds of Palestinians, along a delegation of the occupied Syrian Golan, participated on Thursday in a rally, in Ramallah city of the West Bank, in solidarity with Cancer-stricken …

  • 5 January

    Syrian citizens of occupied Golan protest against Zionist entity settlement schemes

    Damascus, SANA-  A number of Syrian citizens of occupied Syrian Golan staged a sit-in before the International Committee of the Red Cross in Damascus to protest against the arrogance of …

December, 2021

  • 28 December

    Wadi Saar waterfall in occupied Syrian Golan (Photos)

  • 26 December

    Citizens of occupied Golan affirm their resilience to foil Israeli settlement schemes

    Occupied Syrian Golan, SANA –Citizens of occupied Syrian Golan renewed their condemnation of the Israeli settlement schemes in the Golan, stressing their resilience to foil those plans aimed at forcibly …

  • 24 December

    Baniyas River in the occupied Syrian Golan (photos)

     Quneitra, SANA- Baniyas River springs form the feet of the Ban Cave in the village of Baniyas, the Golan, and is considered as one of the most important tributaries of …

  • 11 December

    Citizens in occupied Golan renew their rejection to occupation’s settlement plans

    Occupied Syrian Golan, SANA –Citizens in the occupied Syrian Golan reiterated their rejection of Israeli occupation’s settlement plans on their land, renewing their adherence to each atom of soil and …

  • 2 December

    Citizens of occupied Golan: our land is Arab Syrian, UN resolution confirms this fact

    Occupied Syrian Golan, SANA –Citizens of occupied Syrian Golan affirmed that it was and still is an Arab, Syrian land, adding the United Nations’ General Assembly resolution that called on …

November, 2021

  • 24 November

    Citizens of occupied Syrian Golan renew adherence to resistance to liberate Golan

    Quneitra, SANA- Citizens of Quneitra province and occupied Syrian Golan held a memorial ceremony on the occasion of the forty days of the martyrdom of the liberated prisoner Medhat al-Saleh, …

  • 6 November

    Palestinian delegation in Golan: We stand by Syria in the face of Israeli occupation

    Occupied Syrian Golan, SANA-In the framework of Palestinian-Syrian solidarity in the face of Israeli occupation, a Palestinian ministerial delegation visited the occupied Syrian Golan. During their meeting with a number …

October, 2021

  • 13 October

    Israeli occupation arrests a citizen in occupied Syrian Golan

    Occupied Syrian Golan, SANA-The Israeli occupation forces arrested on Wednesday morning a citizen in the occupied Syrian Golan. SANA’s reporter said that the occupation forces stormed the village of Majdal …