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Wednesday weather forecast: Temperatures 2 to 4 degrees above average

Damascus, SANA – Temperatures will rise to become 2 to 4 degrees above average as the country is influenced by the Indian low pressure system accompanied by southwestern air currents …

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The army expands control on Bala-Jisrin axis in eastern Ghouta in Damascus countryside

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Terrorist attacks target Aleppo and Quneitra

Aleppo- Quneitra, SANA- One civilian was killed on Tuesday in terrorist rocket attacks on the neighborhoods of al-Neil Street, al-Khalidiyeh and al-Hamadaniyeh in Aleppo city, according to a source at Aleppo Police …

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The vegetables market in al-Kashef neighborhood in Daraa

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Drone and polymeric nanofibers production projects presented at Syrian Science Olympiad forum

Damascus, SANA – The National Center for Distinguished Students displayed a number of scientific projects, including a drone design project and polymeric nanofibers production project in front of the Syrian …

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President al-Assad visits advanced points in the first array of Marj al-Sultan farms

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A group of Syrian students of martyrs’ sons and daughters hold and entertaining camp in Russia

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Monthly shopping festival “Made in Syria” opened at al-Jala’a Sports Complex in Mezzeh area

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World Drug Day

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The army restores security and stability to al-Ramliyeh in Salamiyeh southern countryside

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