الرئيسية / أرشيف الوسم : students

أرشيف الوسم : students

More than 4.3 million students begin new school year

Damascus, SANA – Students in Syria began the new school year on Sunday September 14th, the date set by the government after finishing all necessary preparations to ensure that the …

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32 students from the occupied Golan cross over into homeland to join university studies

Quneitra, SANA-32 students from the occupied Syrian Golan have crossed over into motherland to complete their studies at the Syrian universities and institutes. The students crossed over via al-Quneitra border …

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Supported by government, students leave al-Yarmouk Camp to take their exams

Damascus, SANA – With the support of the Syrian government, the General Authority for Palestine Arab Refugees (GAPAR) took a number of students out of the al-Yarmouk refugees Camp in …

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