32 students from the occupied Golan cross over into homeland to join university studies

Quneitra, SANA-32 students from the occupied Syrian Golan have crossed over into motherland to complete their studies at the Syrian universities and institutes.

The students crossed over via al-Quneitra border crossing, supervised by the International Red Cross and the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF).

القنيطرة 2

Quneitra governor Maan Salaheddin told SANA that the students’ insistence to complete their studies at the homeland’s universities despite Israeli bullying indicates their deep attachment to their homeland.

MP Dr. Rif’aat Hussain, who hails from the occupied Buqaa’tha town, hailed the student’s steadfastness and perseverance which, he said, confirms their support to Syria and the Syrian army.

Manal Ismael





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