الرئيسية / أرشيف الوسم : ISIS

أرشيف الوسم : ISIS

Kurdish National Movement: Any coalition to fight terrorism without coordination with Syrian government will support terrorism

Damascus, SANA – The Kurdish National Movement for Peaceful Change said that any coalition to fight the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) inside Syria without the approval of …

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Churkin: Airstrikes against ISIS in Syria without coordination with Syrian government violate international law

New York, SANA – Russia’s Permanent Representative at the UN Vitaly Churkin said that any airstrike against the terrorist organization ISIS on Syrian territories without coordination with the Syrian government …

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Churkin: Washington won’t be able to build effective int’l coalition against ISIS without coordination with Syria

Moscow, SANA – Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin said the United States will not be able to build an effective international coalition against the terrorist organization of …

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Child who survived the terrorism of ISIS relates tale of his ordeal

Damascus, SANA – Not content with endangering the physical safety of children, terrorist organizations are putting children who fall in their grasp through psychological torture that violates the very basics …

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Iranian FM: US provided support to ISIS in Syria and is not serious in fighting terrorism

Tehran, SANA – Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif stressed that the US is not serious in fighting the terrorist organization of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), …

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Head of Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society criticizes west’s double standards in classifying ISIS

Moscow, SANA – Head of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society Sergei Stepashin criticized the contradictory positions of western countries including the United States when it comes to the Islamic State …

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Pentagon admits that 100 Americans are fighting with terrorists in Syria

Washington, SANA – The US Pentagon admitted that around 100 American nationals are fighting alongside the terrorist groups operating inside Syria, with a dozen of those are believed to have …

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ISIS terrorists kill and crucify 5 civilians in Deir Ezzor countryside

Deir Ezzor, SANA – In new manifestation of unbridled brutality, members from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist organization killed and crucified five civilians in Mouhessen town …

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ISIS commits fresh massacre in a village in Deir Ezzor countryside, abducts clan chief

Deir Ezzor, SANA-The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria terrorist organization, known as ISIS, has perpetrated a new massacre Saturday against the locals of Gharanij village in Deir Ezzor eastern …

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ISIS terrorist organization murders two civilians, abducts youths in Deir Ezzor province

Deir Ezzor, SANA – Members of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist organization on Friday murdered two civilians in the town of al-Shumaitiye in Deir Ezzor countryside …

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