الرئيسية / أرشيف الوسم : Syria (صفحه 5)

أرشيف الوسم : Syria

President al-Assad receives congratulatory cable from South African President Zuma

Damascus, SANA, President Bashar al-Assad received Monday a cable from President of South Africa Jacob Zuma congratulating him on winning the presidential elections. In the cable, Zuma voiced hope that …

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PM inspects work at establishments and facilities in Aleppo, allocates SYP 6.127 billion in aid to the province

Aleppo, SANA – Prime Minister Dr. Wael al-Halaqi inspected work in several government establishments and economic and services facilities in Aleppo city to assess the living conditions and state of …

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Jordan stresses importance of reaching political solution to the crisis in Syria

Amman, SANA. Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh reiterated his country’s firm stance towards the crisis in Syria calling for the importance of reaching a political solution which guarantees the security …

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Human Rights Watch calls on armed groups in Syria to stop recruiting children

New York, (SANA). The Human Rights Watch Organization (HRW) called on Monday the so-called the ‘Syrian opposition groups’ to stop recruiting children, warning the countries financing these groups that they …

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Foreign Ministry’s committee on implementing CWC: Last shipment of chemical materials transported outside Syria

Damascus, SANA – An official source at the Syrian National Committee for Implementing the Chemical Weapons Convention at the Foreign and Expatriates Ministry announced that on Monday June 23, 2014, …

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Army operations against terrorists continue in several areas

Provinces, (SANA) The Syrian Arab Army continued on Sunday its operations against armed terrorist groups in several areas across Syria’s provinces, eliminating and injuring a number of terrorists and destroying …

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US Senator Richard Black: Americans now believe in the need to change US policy towards Syria

Virginia, SANA. US Senator Richard Black said that the Syrian people achieved a resounding victory on June 3rd when they participated in great numbers in the presidential elections, proving to …

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Churkin: Russia doesn’t support imposing embargo on supplying weapons to Syria

New York, SANA. Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin said that Russia doesn’t support the idea of imposing an embargo on supplying weapons to Syria because it …

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Tunisia’s Al-Chourouk newspaper: Escalation by ISIS seeks to fragment Iraq

Tunis, SANA. Tunisia’s Al-Chourouk newspaper said that the escalation by theAl Qaeda-affiliated terrorist group, the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), seeks to open a front in Iraq to …

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President al-Assad receives congratulatory cable from Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia

Damascus, (SANA) President Bashar al-Assad received a cable from Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, congratulating him for his win in recent presidential vote. President al-Assad romped to victory …

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